新华网8月27日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,几名巴勒斯坦黑客26日成功攻陷了谷歌巴勒斯坦首页,并在首页上添加了抗议文字。这三名黑客署名为Cold z3ro,Haml3t, Sas and Dr@g,他们篡改了首页,并留下以下文字:“谷歌大叔,我们来自巴勒斯坦,在这里跟你打招呼就是提醒你在谷歌地图上的那个国家不叫以色列,叫巴勒斯坦。”
Hackers Hit Google Palestine and Defaced the Front Page
A team of hackers successfully broke into Google Palestine on Monday, covering the home page with protest literature. Uncle google, wrote Cold z3ro, Haml3t, Sas and Dr@g, we say hi from palestine to remember you that the country in google map not called israel. its called Palestine.
A little further down the real message comes through: # Question : what would happen if we changed the country title of Isreal to Palestine in google maps !!! it would be a revolution. Then this is weird: So listen to rihanna and be cool 😛
Its actually kind of an interesting question. Googles had a Palestinian domain since 2009 thats now called Google Palestine, not Google Palestinian Territories. But on Maps, the borders of Palestine are there, but there is no name. It seems a little bit inconsistent for Google to recognize Palestine with its own portal but fail to name it on the map. Its also unclear if the hackers want all of Israel labelled as Palestine or just the unmarked area.
Either way, its kind of impressive that the hackers managed to take over Google homepage. According to TechCrunch, its more likely that they just hijacked the domain and redirected it, rather than breaking into Googles servers. It didnt last long, though, as the page was down within a couple of hours of the hack.
For now theres no word form Google and no collateral damage. Looks like its just another relatively harmless hacker protest.(新华国际)
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